Monday, November 26, 2012

More Politics

More from my friend who wishes to remain anonymous:

OK, OK, OK. I’m still getting an endless flood of “What do you think about this?” notes. So here is one more worth thinking about. Please pay special attention to how clueless the Republican Party is. They should embrace any who might oppose Obama, including the TEA Party, Libertarians, Catholics, Jews, Evangelicals, etc. They should cultivate the groups who are strongly pro-Obama, especially single women and Hispanics. They should start by firing Carl Rove and getting someone like Allen West to set policy. And they should go all in for appointing an Independent Investigator over Benghazi, the cover-up, and the hocus pocus about Obama’s failed foreign policy, getting the facts and pursuing this all the way to an impeachment if necessary, and, yes, even if they fail to prevail against a Progressive Senate. They have the power to do this if they so choose.

The Republicans seem to be a bunch of freaking brain-dead idiots. They will not confront Obama. Romney ran a single issue campaign, on jobs. It was a good issue, but it wasn’t enough. He refused to attack Obama, saying that he didn’t care if people liked Obama or not, so long as they didn’t vote for him. He refused to call Obama on Benghazi, on voter fraud, on Constitutional violations, on taking foreign donations, on corruption, and on and on. In the second debate, Romney even passed up a swing at that hanging curve ball, the Benghazi cover-up, to talk nice and agree with Obama’s foreign policy.

The best strategy? If the TEA Party had more power to shape Republican policy, that would help. More radically, perhaps the Rs should just disband or re-brand themselves. They are not getting the job done, even against the President with the worst record in modern history, if not in all of our history. They seem about as relevant to resisting Saul Alinsky communism as would be the Whigs or Federalists of yore.

This is just my opinion, FWIW. Even the Russians (in Pravda) now say flat-out that America has been taken over by communists, and they know Communists better than anyone. We lost the election, but we might be able to fix or replace the Republicans in time to mount useful resistance and even an impeachment. The old Exceptional America would not give up without a try. Our Constitution, by and for the People, gives us this sacred responsibility.

That’s what I think, FWIW. What am I going to do? What I’ve been saying. I’m going to write my novels and do a blog. The bible says the Watchman must sound the alarm or the blood will be on his hands. I did that. 

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